Monday, May 18, 2009

The Ogden Marathon

So a while back I posted that I was going to run the Ogden marathon. The training went great until the beginning of April when I fractured/sprained my left ankle. I don't know exactly what happened but all I knew is that I could not run because I could barely walk. The next couple weeks after the injury I struggled trying to keep my hopes up for the race, but then I knew after four weeks of no running the marathon was probably not going to happen this year. So just a couple days before the marathon I got into the half-marathon and I ran it on this last Saturday. it went great, especially for being injured six weeks ago and only able to get one eight mile run in prior to the race. I am excited with my time of 2hours exactly and 11 seconds. This is the first actual half marathon that I had timed so now I have a time to beat for next time. Which will be in July at the Bryce Canyon Half Marathon.

1 comment:

  1. Good job! you did an amazing job!! Cant wait for Bryce!
